On A Budget #2, Supplements

You’ve just started your journey to a new you. You are dying to get fit as fast as possible. Of course, the first thing you must do, is find the PERFECT supplements right? Wrong.
Supplement - something that completes or enhances something else when added to it.
Notice that supplements are an addition to help complete or enhance “something else.” In this case, the something else is a well rounded primarily whole foods minimally processed diet which is fairly high in protein and essential fats while including plenty of hydration.
Many people gloss over that last sentence and want to find the one magic supplement that will fix all of their problems. Meanwhile, yesterday they drank 1 cup of water, only had 1 serving of protein the entire day and most of their food came with an ingredient list longer than your arm. Hmm, that’s called majoring in the minors. In other words, there are more important things you could be worrying about. Do not worry about supplementing your diet unless you are already eating well 90% of the time.
OK, so what if you are eating well 90% of the time, getting adequate fiber, protein, fats, hydration, etc. Are there things you can do to improve your workout, digestion, sleep, insulin sensitivity, etc? Of course, let’s take a look.
Multivitamin - many of us have nutritional deficiencies. Aside from increasing your variety of vegetables, taking a multivitamin can be a good way to help fill in nutritional gaps. I like a basic chewable from any local grocery store.
Fish Oil - most of us have some sort of inflammation due to injuries, poor food choices, etc. Fish oil, and specifically omega 3 fatty acids, are fantastic at reducing inflammation in the body. Furthermore, they are beneficial at improving insulin sensitivity as well when taken with a meal. You can easily find various fish oil or omega 3 supplements at local grocery stores or online.

Apple Cider Vinegar - a tablespoon before a meal is great way to improve protein digestion and insulin sensitivity as well. Your local grocery store will have this.
Zinc and Magnesium - these two minerals are helpful to a good night of sleep when taken with the evening meal or before bed. Your local pharmacy or online will be the best place to find these minerals.
Creatine - what’s this doing here? I thought creatine was only for bodybuilders looking to get HUGE! No, creatine will help improve performance in the gym by giving your body creatine to fuel extra repetitions but also by improving cellular hydration. Furthermore, this dirt cheap supplement is also beneficial for cognitive functioning. You can find creatine online or at Walmart. Creatine Monohydrate is appropriate, no need to purchase anything fancier.
Whey Protein - while whole food proteins will typically be best because they keep you feeling full/satisfied longer, occasionally, it is helpful to have whey protein. You may not be that hungry, or you may have a certain goal of protein to consume for the day. Also, you may simply not be in the mood or have time to cook up a chicken breast or steak, etc.
In those situation, it very handy to have a whey protein supplement on hand. You want to make sure you purchase a whey protein that is low in carbs, no sense getting a bunch of added sugars with your protein.
True Nutrition is a great place to purchase both the creatine and whey protein, but Walmart works as well.

You are literally looking at pennies per serving for most of these items with most being under a dime per serving. The most expensive item is whey protein which will cost roughly 50 cents for a 25 to 30 gram serving of protein powder.
Thus, even if you acquired all of these supplements, you are looking at approximately $1 per day to help improve your workout, digestion, sleep, insulin sensitivity, and cognitive functioning.
And it should be mentioned, that many of these benefits play off each other, regardless of supplementation. For example, if you have a good night of sleep, you will have more energy for your workout, your mind works better and your insulin sensitivity improves. If you have a good workout, you release hormones that help improve insulin sensitivity and the exercise also improves digestion.
Even if you choose not to supplement, simply striving to improve in one of these areas can lead to positive snowball effects. So, first strive for the well rounded primarily whole foods minimally processed diet, high in protein, essential fats and water. Then assess yourself to see where you may benefit from some additional supplementation.
It’s pretty neat what you can do for your health with just one dollar.