Pork Pernil, Oven Roasted Potatoes and Steamed Vegetables
This recipe will take a little over an hour and unless your family has huge appetites, you will likely have some nice pork left overs!...

Shawn - Successfully lost 50 pounds!
My name is Shawn, about 2 years ago I was around 215 pounds, I could barely walk up the steps without being out of breath and I had...

Fat Shaming, what are your thoughts?
Be sure to read the whole way through, there may be points that raise ones hackles, but I think we can find some common ground. Fat...

Need me? I'm here
What are you searching for in a personal trainer? When I started as a trainer, I assumed most people wanted an education. I was prepared...

Fall, a time to reflect and take action
If you are like me, you enjoy the fall season but also view it with some sadness. There's the joy of seeing the leaves change into...

I don't have time to exercise!
"I can't exercise, I don't have the time!" Would you believe it if I told you 30 minutes was enough? In fact, more than enough? Now,...

Election Day - Every Day
Election season is almost over and you can’t wait. You’ve been bombarded by news articles, videos, ads, signs, banners, and friends &...

Railroad Fitness
As I drove slowly past the train going down the railroad I had a thought, "That's a good picture of how to get fit!" What do I mean? At...

Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, & Nutrisystem: Wrap Up!
Wrapping up my series on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem. I would like to do so by providing as much info from research as poss

The Pullup
Written and Video Instruction for The Pullup