Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, & Nutrisystem: Wrap Up!
Wrapping up my series on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem. I would like to do so by providing as much info from research as poss

The fitness world has its trends just like any other area of life. Over the past 70 years some interesting ideas have come and gone.

The 1980's: Rise of Obesity
The 80's were a wonderful time for me. I was enjoying some of the greatest toys and video games ever made, but nutritional advice wasn&#

Why aren't you losing weight? Part 2
Some coaches may recommend things that work in the short term, but do not set you up for lifetime success. I cannot in good conscious do th

Nutrisystem: My Thoughts
Nutrisystem's emphasize on their prepackaged food leaves you and your wallet lighter, but is it sustainable?

Jenny Craig: My Thoughts
Jenny Craig wants to help people lose weight and have a healthy relationship with food. Do they?

Weight Watchers: My Thoughts Part 2
It doesn’t matter if you believe in sensible eating and exercise. If your understanding of nutrition and exercise are lacking, you are buil

Weight Watchers: My Thoughts Part 1
Weight Watchers encourages sensible eating, exercise and meetings for accountability. So far so good right? Unfortunately it doesn't g

Information Overload!
Almost New Years, times for resolutions. You Google “losing weight". And you are immediately overloaded with information. What do yo

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead: A Review
Juicing may not be the best way, but I love the message of personal responsibility found in this documentary.