Fall, a time to reflect and take action
If you are like me, you enjoy the fall season but also view it with some sadness. There's the joy of seeing the leaves change into...

The 80/20 Rule: Exercise
The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, states that 20 percent of the causes yield 80 percent of the results. Let's apply t

The 80/20 Rule: Food
The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, states that, for many events, 20% of the causes will provide 80% of the effects. Let

Thanksgiving Deception
Thanksgiving is over. You have successfully awakened from your food coma. Are you deceiving yourself about the cause of your food coma?

Happy Thanksgiving!
What are you thankful for? Think. If you are reading this, you probably have access to electricity, indoor plumbing, clean water, just to na

Why aren't you losing weight? Part 2
Some coaches may recommend things that work in the short term, but do not set you up for lifetime success. I cannot in good conscious do th

Why aren’t you losing weight? Part 1
Everyone wants to “Lose weight now!”, but sometimes you don’t. Why not? Let's examine a few questions you may want to ask yourself.

What Drives You?
The alarm clock goes off and you avoid hitting snooze. You actually wake up and drive to your nearest fitness center. Why? What drives you?

To Rest or Not To Rest
Looks like the lion made his choice. What is your choice? If you’ve been training hard and eating right can you and should you spend some ti

Excuse Me? #4: I can’t eat healthy, Part 2
Let’s pick apart more excuses.This is continued from Parts 1-3 of the “Excuse Me?” series. I want to give you every reason I can to eat rig