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Changing your dietary mindset...

"I can eat salmon for breakfast!"

That was a real comment made to me during a recent training session. It put a smile on my face.

Why? Because most of us, if we are honest, have very neatly packaged and segmented views of what foods are appropriate at certain times of the day.

We grew up eating cereal for breakfast, some type of toast or bagel, often with orange juice. Occasionally with bacon and eggs.

Lunch for many people involved some type of sandwich which is typically an insignificant portion of protein between two pieces of bread (which are typically too large). Often with some type of crunchy item on the side, be it pretzels or chips. Too often with soda as a beverage.

Dinner gets a bit better for most people, but not always. Here we often find a decent amount of protein with some type of starch and, if we are lucky, a vegetable.

Some of you reading this may have been the lucky ones who broke the mold at an early age. But, I would bet money that most of you reading this have had very similar eating experiences from your childhood.

And if you never gave it any thought, than you likely continued to eat this way as an adult. After all, why not? It's what you were taught and surely your parents didn't have bad intentions. True, but our parents also didn't know much about nutrition either.

The typical breakfast is mostly carbohydrates, unless you were the lucky one who got eggs fairly often. Lunch is also mostly carbohydrates. Lunch portions of meat on sandwiches are typically too small and loaded with sodium and other preservatives.

Therefore, with the standard diet, you've woken up and made it into the early afternoon without any significant intake of protein and far too many carbohydrates. The result? Sluggishness and hunger.

Protein will help keep you feeling much more satisfied and give you consistent energy. Carbohydrates without protein will leave you tired and will not do much for your hunger in the long term.

What if I told you, you can eat anything you want, anytime. With one caveat of course, you can eat anything you want assuming it's healthy.

And what is healthy? That's debatable. Which is why I am here to help you cut through the clutter.

But right this very instant, I encourage you to change your mindset to eating. Salmon for breakfast? Sure. Roasted chicken breast and broccoli for lunch? Why not. Scrambled eggs mixed with peppers and onions for dinner? Absolutely.

Your old mindset?


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