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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, so much to be thankful for!

What are you thankful for? Seriously, take a minute and think.

You are reading this article on a computer, tablet or phone. That means you are likely employed, have access to the latest technology, and are at least mildly technologically savvy.

You are most likely reading this article in doors. That means that you most likely have a desk job, or have leisure time in your evenings or have some type of shelter you call home.

Your device most likely needs electricity. If you have access to electricity, am I just taking a guess here, but you also likely have access to heat, air conditioning and clean water.

When you need a break from reading, you are likely only a few steps away from indoor plumbing. When you need a snack, you probably have a refrigerator and microwave close by or have a restaurant within driving distance. If you walk to your fridge or cupboards, they are likely full of food or it not, you’d only need to hop in your preferred mode of transportation to arrive at a grocery store to resupply.

Now just think of all the people it takes on a daily basis to supply utilities, stock grocery stores, check internet networks, build appliances, etc, etc.

If you are reading this article, you already have a lot to be thankful for.

What about me?

In addition to everything mentioned, I am thankful for the family I am blessed with. And like the Pilgrims, I am thankful to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

Thankful for their God and Savior!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Now go have some turkey.

A delicious turkey


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