Research Review #1

Supplements may not be what you typically think of when you here “fat loss” and “supplement “ in the same sentence. This is not Hydroxycut. This is simply adding extra protein, omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics to your diet. It was found that those supplements accelerate the loss of body fat and improves cardiovascular health.
Easy to apply to your current diet. With the exception of bodybuilders, most people are under eating protein so almost everyone would benefit from more. Omega-3 fatty acids have solid research supporting their efficacy for many improved health markers. Regarding probiotics, you are what you digest. I cannot speak for the cost of probiotics, but a basic whey protein and omega-3 supplement are not expensive and are a worthwhile addition to your diet.
Timing does not seem to matter for muscle mass gains. However, consuming your shake with a meal may improve fat loss. The researchers speculate this may be due to less calories consumed during the meal because of the shake. I agree with this and also would argue that periods of low insulin are beneficial for fat loss and consuming shakes between meals would negate some of these periods of low insulin.
"In conclusion, this study suggests that a diet rich in vitamin C can help to reduce anxiety levels and possibly increase academic performance among anxious students."
Pretty neat, Vitamin C is in expensive and may be beneficial for preventing and/or fighting colds as well. Considering nobody likes feeling anxious or having a cold, seems like a bit more Vitamin C in our diet is in order.
You may want to consider non-alcoholic wine which lowered blood pressure to a much greater degree. Hmm, I suspect some people’s blood pressure just went up at my suggestion that they consume non-alcoholic wine.

Get more Vitamin D in your diet. And Vitamin D rich foods are good for you in other ways, just look at this list:
Wild Fish, Liver, Egg Yolks, Milk, Yogurt
You should be eating those even if type-2 diabetes is not a concern of yours. These foods will give you plenty of protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.
And don’t forget to get your sunlight!
Not only good for improving strength and keeping your muscle cells hydrated, creatine is good for your cognitive functioning. It’s not expensive either. You can find it easily. Seriously, why don’t you have some?
Now this study specifically looked at Facebook, but I assure you the results apply to other social media platforms. The study found that Facebook increased stress and reduced feelings of well-being. I think we all knew that.
Now get off the computer and spend some time with the ones you love...and don’t post about it.