Walking Non-Dead?

One thing zombies are pretty good at is walking. Heck, they don’t even wear a fitbit, but I bet they get a lot of steps in each day. While there are not many lessons we could take from zombies, standing up more and walking is certainly one of them. And maybe persistence, zombies sure are persistent.
I hope you never crave brains, but I do encourage you to walk more. Walking is the anti-death activity. I’ve talked before about the cost of inactivity and warned that even those who exercise regularly are at risk. Read that again, reworded: Your exercise CANNOT cancel out your sedentary behavior the rest of the day.
Walking can be what you do to avoid being sedentary. Why? It is easy to incorporate into your day; park farther away from work or shopping, take the stairs, play with your kids. You cannot easily add in another weight training or cardio session to your day (assuming you are already active). You likely do not have the time or the energy. Plus, who wants to have to shower again. The beauty and simplicity of walking is that it can be added to your day very easily.
Walking is more than just an anti-death suggestion. It is also very much pro-life. Walking will increase your energy level, improve sleep, enhance digestion, improve circulation and boost mental health.
If you are looking to add cardiovascular training to your existing exercise program, walking could be the addition you are looking for. It is a low stress/low impact way to burn a few more calories and improve your fitness. Also, the improved circulation will help you to recover from your other training.
What are you waiting for? This blog post is done, get up and walk around!
