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The Goblet Squat

The Goblet Squat is a great exercise for those who are learning to squat and attempting to add resistance.

Start with the DB or KB between your feet. Feet should be just outside shoulder width with toes pointed slightly out. Squat down and pick up the weight and hold it against your chest by keeping your upper back tight.

Take in a breath and brace the abs while you begin to descend by breaking at the hips. After breaking at the hips, bend your knees as well to lower yourself to the bottom position. As you descend, push the knees out. Your elbows should be inside the knees as you come to the bottom of the range of motion. At the bottom, your thighs should have reached or gone past parallel with the ground.

Goblet Squat: Side View

Use your quads and glutes to reverse direction and being to stand up. Continue pushing the knees outward to avoid buckling. Exhale as you finish the motion.

Goblet Squat: Front View

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