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Shawn - Successfully lost 50 pounds!

My name is Shawn, about 2 years ago I was around 215 pounds, I could barely walk up the steps without being out of breath and I had absolutely no motivation to do anything. I decided to sign up for a personal trainer, This wasn’t the first time that I had one, however I never actually finished the contract because I just wasn’t motivated enough. Currently I am 162 pounds and I feel so much better.

Shawn's successful transformation
After Tim: Six pack showing and happy!

I not only kept Tim for an entire year but went an extra year and only stopped because of life events that stopped me from being able to make it into the gym and work with him. Tim helped motivate me and keep me on track. However anyone can tell you what to do and push you but Tim really cares and loves what he does and that shows. I was actually sad when I had to cancel because I felt like I was losing a friendship. When I went in for a session I actually had fun and enjoyed it while still getting the results that I was looking for. He really helped regulate my diet and taught me a lot of good fundamentals for the workout that I never would of thought of on my own. Before I knew it I was so much stronger than I ever had been and I was able to achieve and exceed what I was shooting for.

However after about a year, I had enough results that I probably could of broke out on my own, However Tim then took it to another level. He started challenging me and thinking up new and innovative ways to test my strength and help me grow in different ways than before. As stated before he also made it fun and made me want to come and work out versus just doing it as a chore which is how I used to look at it. I would recommend Tim to anyone who is feeling demotivated or just are not seeing the results that they were hoping to get. He makes individualized workouts for everyone to make sure that each person gets exactly what they are looking for.  

I didn’t view Tim as just a trainer, to me he was a friend and I honestly felt that he actually cared about my progress where as other trainers do it for the money. If you’re looking to change your life for the better, then there’s no better choice than Tim.

Shawn before working with Tim
Before working with Tim


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