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Need me? I'm here

What are you searching for in a personal trainer?

When I started as a trainer, I assumed most people wanted an education. I was prepared to teach them proper form, discuss dietary changes, physiology, anatomy, and on and on.

And many people are interested in those subjects. However, a surprising amount of people are primarily interested in the motivation and accountability of simply having a personal trainer and an appointment on the calendar.

It was a learning moment for me and honestly an adjustment. Many people, at the end of the day, do not care about the “why” behind the exercise they are doing. They are not concerned about rest periods, how many reps they do, and what particular motions I have them focus on. They implicitly trust me as their trainer to give them a good workout.

On the other end of the spectrum, is those looking for specific ways to work through an injury, condition, etc. Check out my success stories to see several examples of people who did just that! Those clients wanted to learn all about the “why” of the choices which were made during a training session.

Somewhere in between are clients who want to receive an education to eventually be able to confidently workout on their own. In the meantime, they enjoy the accountability and motivation of having a trainer to work with them until they develop their discipline.

The gym can be a dangerous place; squats and deadlifts, done improperly can really hurt someone. An injury is a surefire way to get off track for your fitness goals. Additionally, the gym can be an intimidating place in terms of choices. So many weight machines, cardio machines, free weights, mats, etc. What to do? And even if you know what to do, sometimes you just don’t have the desire to push hard.

No matter where you fall on the spectrum, I’m here.

Desire motivation? I’ll push you. Desire an education? I’ll teach you. Want someone to watch your form on the harder exercises? I can keep you safe and keep you in the gym.

I’m here, taking you closer to your goals one day at time.


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