Starting something new can bring about a variety of emotions; normally excitement and anxiety are among them. Maybe those are what you feel as you debate whether or not to start an exercise routine, or change your eating habits, or contemplate hiring a coach to help you.
May I encourage you to take the first step? Do not yield to the anxiety. Newton’s First Law says that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion. By embracing the excitement, I had created motion and it felt much easier to continue on at that point. Inertia was now working in my favor.
What is your first step? It could be joining a gym, purchasing a set of resistance bands, throwing out some junk food, or contacting an online coach such as myself.
And why aren’t you taking it? Anxious that people will stare at you in the gym? They won’t. Trust me, from my experience; everyone is in their own little world listening to music or texting. No one is watching you. Concerned you won’t know what to do with the resistance bands once they are in your home? You will, if you truly desire. YouTube is a great way to find “How To” videos for just about anything. Worried you will have worse cravings if you get rid of some of the sweets in the cupboard? You might for a little while, but they pass.
Concerned that I may not be worth the money? How much have you spent eating out in the past month? Giving up one or two nights out to eat may make a difference that could help you for the rest of your life. Plus, improving your health saves you money. I get into the details here.
So what are you waiting for? Make inertia work for you.