Excuse Me? #2: I can’t workout, Part 2

Don’t let excuses mess with your good life!
Let’s continue to address the excuses people give to avoid working out. This is a continuation of part 1.
6. I am too fat/uncoordinated/old/etc to workout
Working out is progressive. No one starts working out by hoisting 200 pounds over their head. You have to start somewhere. It doesn’t matter if you are not coordinated, start with machines to help groove a movement pattern. It doesn’t matter if you are old, start with light weights to properly warm up your joints and only increase the weight as you feel safe. And lifting weights will help you feel younger. As you help to maintain the muscle and bone mass that naturally decreases with age, everyday tasks will feel easier!
It doesn’t matter if you are overweight, working out isn’t only for healthy people. Many of those “fit” people you see in the gym used to be overweight before they got themselves on the right track. Working out is your ticket to a more manageable weight. Are you self conscious? Don’t worry, most people in the gym are quite friendly and are happy to see others there who are also trying to better themselves. And there’s also plenty of people who simply zone out in the gym and are in their own little world. There really is not a reason to be self conscious, no one is watching you.
7. I get bored by routine
Who said every workout needs to be the same? There are lots of different machines and weights in the gym. There are many different muscles on the body. There are different intensity levels to try, different rep ranges to work in. There is no reason to let fitness bore you.
8. I don’t like to sweat
In case you can’t hear the audio:
“Indoor plumbing, it’s gonna be big!”
Enough said, you can shower. All clean, problem solved.
9. I have arthritis/I am in too much pain to workout
This a good reason to exercise caution (pun intended) but not to skip the gym altogether. A smart workout plan with the help of a coach or trainer can help you workout around the pain and even help to alleviate the pain. This especially true in the case of arthritis, don’t take my word for it, check out the Mayo Clinic.
10. I’m already thin
OK, you are thin but how is your mood? Energy levels? Do everyday activities tire you out? Do you feel week when you need to lift heavy things? Any idea of your internal health? A proper workout can help in all of these areas.
Thinking of working out only in terms of the outside of your body, whether you are thin or fat, is very narrow minded. Health is about much more than physical appearance.
Feel free to look in the mirror, just don’t go looking for excuses!
Stay tuned for #3!