I don't have time to exercise!

"I can't exercise, I don't have the time!"
Would you believe it if I told you 30 minutes was enough?
In fact, more than enough?
Now, let's address something, if you have an image in your mind of becoming a physique competitor, professional athlete or becoming as strong as a World's Strongest Man competitor, than 30 minutes a day is definitely NOT enough.
However, my guess is, you are not aiming for that.
Most people aren't.
Most people just want to feel a bit better, i.e. more energy, less aches.
Most people want to lose a few pounds, i.e. fit into their existing clothing or maybe those old pants that are too tight.
Most people want to be happier with what they see in the mirror, i.e. smaller waist or thighs.
Most people want to be a bit stronger, i.e. make everyday life easier by being able to carry those groceries to your car.
Most people want to be more mobile, i.e. be able to get on the floor and play with their children or grandchildren.
Good news, feeling a bit better, losing a few pounds, being happier with what you see in the mirror, getting stronger and becoming more mobile can easily be accomplished in 30 minutes a day several times per week!
Now, those 30 minutes won't be easy, but they are also not going to make you puke like you are a young marine being punished by a drill sergeant.

However, those 30 minutes need to be planned out. If you are going to do it in 30 minutes, you want to be sure you aren't wasting your time with needless exercises. And you are going to need to make dietary changes as well. No amount of exercise can outrun a poor diet.
You may have felt daunted to start your journey to a better you when you assumed that committing to exercise meant 60 plus minutes a day every day. I hope you have been encouraged by the possibility that achieving what you desire can be done with less time commitment than your previously thought.
I've been doing 30 minute workouts for years and not only maintaining, but improving my physical fitness. You can too!
Reach out and let me help you.