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The Deadlift

The deadlift starts from a dead stop. Approach the bar and place your feet about shoulder width under the bar. The bar should cross over about your mid foot, this will keep the weight at your center of gravity.

The deadlift is a hip hinge movement. The focus should be on pushing the hips backwards while maintaining a flat back. Your knees will be soft and bend naturally as a result of the large motion in your hips. Continue this motion until your hands meet the bar. Do not lock your knees, this will put undo strain on your knee joint and lower back.

Take in a deep breath and brace your core. Additionally, you want to tighten your entire back; lats, rhomboids, traps, but the lats in particular. Open the chest slightly to reinforce the neutral posture we want to maintain through the spine. We do not want to let any part of the back go into excessive flexion or extension.

Ensure your arms are straight and initiate the pull using the muscles of the posterior chain; glutes, hamstrings and back. If your arms start bent, they will straighten upon your first pull and your biceps will be strained more than necessary and it is an inefficient waste of your force/energy.

Keep the bar against the legs by making sure your lats are engaged. The deadlift will also challenge your forearms and grip. As the bar passes the knees do not lose focus and let your core get loose. Push your hips through to finish in a tall position, do not exaggerate the motion and finish leaning back.

Lower the bar to the ground under control. Reversing the motion by breaking at the hips and keeping the knees soft.

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The Deadlift

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