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The Overhead Press

As with many lifts; start with a firm foundation. I do not mention it in the video, but obviously a foundation starts at the very bottom, so make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground. Do not shift your weight to the heel or the toes, utilize your entire foot to create firm contact.

Next, brace your abs and glutes in particular. These form your "natural" weight belt which serves to protect your spine.

Grip the bar near shoulder width, elbows should be under the bar with forearms in a vertical position throughout the movement.

Take a deep breath. Keep your chest tall, but not at the expense of losing abdominal tightness. What I mean is, in your attempt to keep a tall position, do not end up over arching your back and stretching out the abs. This is not a position you want to overhead press from. Press, using the muscles of the shoulders, with the upper back and triceps contributing more towards the end of the movement.

The bar's path should be mostly vertical. To do this, start with your head slightly back and push through after the bar passes your forehead. Try not to exaggerate this, only move your head as much as necessary to avoid hitting your nose. A strong finish reinforces good posture as it slightly stretches the chest and encourages good upper back mobility.

Remain tight on the descent, actively bringing the bar down with your biceps and back. Keep your posture neutral, avoid overarching the neck or lower back.

If you have questions, leave a comment on YouTube.

Overhead Press: Tall Neutral Posture

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