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Fall, a time to reflect and take action

If you are like me, you enjoy the fall season but also view it with some sadness.  There's the joy of seeing the leaves change into beautiful reds, oranges and yellows.  Along with enjoying a reprieve from blistering hot summer temperatures.  However, there's also the prospect of the coming winter when the world looks bleak and lifeless.

The coming winter can remind us of how quickly things change and fade.  And often can cause us to reflect on ourselves.  As the trees and bushes become to all appearances, lifeless, so can we feel lacking in the vigor we once had in our youth.

However, much like the winter eventually giving way to the spring, so can our bodies give way to a new beginning.  

There is no permanent winter for your body.  There are too many inspirational stories (here and here for a few) that underscore the human ability and desire to not be defined by our struggles.  To not passively accept "fate".

However, the spring for your body and mind is not inevitable like the spring in nature.  This is a beautiful idea once you wrap your head around it.  While the seasons pass by no matter what, you have a choice to make when it comes to your fitness journey.

You are an active participant!  You are not a passenger stuck on a ship passively going where the wind and waves take you. 

No, you are the captain, able to make decisions on your own. 

You choose the direction, you choose the speed!

So, if you are like me, and reflecting on the seasonal changes, I encourage you to also reflect on the joy of being you.  Of being human and able to affect the direction of your own life.

Start your inspiring story today, I'm here to help!


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