Common Fitness Mistake #7: Exercising your way out of a Bad Diet
We already discussed emphasizing cardio over weight training, now let’s look at cardio compared to diet. Can you exercise your way out of a

Common Fitness Mistake #6: Crunching Your Way to a Six Pack
Almost everyone who works out has a desire to get six pack abs. But are you putting in the wrong kind of work trying to achieve it?

The 1980's: Rise of Obesity
The 80's were a wonderful time for me. I was enjoying some of the greatest toys and video games ever made, but nutritional advice wasn&#

Common Fitness Mistake #5: No Progression
As a trainer, a big mistake I see is client’s doing what appears to be a well thought out training program on the outside. But they never pu

Information Overload!
Almost New Years, times for resolutions. You Google “losing weight". And you are immediately overloaded with information. What do yo

Common Fitness Mistakes #4. Cardio vs. Weight Training to Lose Fat
To lose weight, what do most people think of? If you said “cardio” you are not alone, but are you wrong? Maybe you should be hitting the we

Common Fitness Mistakes #3. Light Weights to Get Cut/Toned
What does light mean? What does cut or toned mean? Let’s clarify and see if we figure out how we should be training to achieve that look!

Common Form Mistakes #1: Staying too upright on the Squat
One of the main mistakes I see are people trying to keep their torso too upright. This will result in hurt knees or falling on your butt.

Does Soreness Equal a Good Workout?
No. Too bold? I don’t think so. I don’t want to come across wishy washy and leave room for the stimulus addicts to keep pounding away trying

Arch Vs. Round?
Arch & Round sound the same and in most of the world they are. In the gym, they mean two completely different things. Learn what to st