Nutrisystem: My Thoughts
Nutrisystem's emphasize on their prepackaged food leaves you and your wallet lighter, but is it sustainable?

Jenny Craig: My Thoughts
Jenny Craig wants to help people lose weight and have a healthy relationship with food. Do they?

Weight Watchers: My Thoughts Part 2
It doesn’t matter if you believe in sensible eating and exercise. If your understanding of nutrition and exercise are lacking, you are buil

Weight Watchers: My Thoughts Part 1
Weight Watchers encourages sensible eating, exercise and meetings for accountability. So far so good right? Unfortunately it doesn't g

HIIT Cardio, Save Time, Get Results
High Intensity Interval Training. Those words have meaning. If you think you are doing high intensity for 30 plus minutes, you may need to

Common Fitness Mistakes #3. Light Weights to Get Cut/Toned
What does light mean? What does cut or toned mean? Let’s clarify and see if we figure out how we should be training to achieve that look!

Does Fast Food have to Wreck your Diet?
No. It does not. It all comes down to personal responsibility. Are you willing to make some sacrifices? Then this list of healthier fast f

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead: A Review
Juicing may not be the best way, but I love the message of personal responsibility found in this documentary.

Planning for Parties!
You are invited to a party. You can either: A) Be a hermit, B) Go, but eat nothing & have everyone keep bugging you or C) Plan for the p

Common Fitness Mistakes #2: Women Scared to “Bulk Up”!
Almost every women who touches a weight in a gym is scared she will end up getting HUGE! Will she? No. Why Not? Several reasons.