Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead: A Review
Juicing may not be the best way, but I love the message of personal responsibility found in this documentary.

Does Soreness Equal a Good Workout?
No. Too bold? I don’t think so. I don’t want to come across wishy washy and leave room for the stimulus addicts to keep pounding away trying

How To: Film Your Lifts for Critique
Filming your lifts is extremely helpful and not just for beginners, even advanced athletes can benefit. Ensure you are using proper form, s

Arch Vs. Round?
Arch & Round sound the same and in most of the world they are. In the gym, they mean two completely different things. Learn what to st

Common Fitness Mistakes #2: Women Scared to “Bulk Up”!
Almost every women who touches a weight in a gym is scared she will end up getting HUGE! Will she? No. Why Not? Several reasons.

Common Fitness Mistakes: #1 Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss
Prioritizing weight loss over fat loss often leads to undesirable results such as muscle loss, slower metabolism and rebounds in body fat af