Shawn - Successfully lost 50 pounds!
My name is Shawn, about 2 years ago I was around 215 pounds, I could barely walk up the steps without being out of breath and I had...

Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, & Nutrisystem: Wrap Up!
Wrapping up my series on Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem. I would like to do so by providing as much info from research as poss

The Fat Fight: Part 4
We looked at the purpose of fat, adverse effects of high body fat, why it's hard to lose, the science of fat burning. Now it's time

The Fat Fight: Part 3
Part 1 and 2 looked at the purpose of fat, adverse effects of high body fat, why it can be hard to lose and how to go about losing it. In P

The Fat Fight: Part 2
Part 1 discussed the purpose of fat & adverse effects of too much body fat. In Part 2, we discuss why is it hard to lose? & How do

The Fat Fight: Part 1
Your fat fought to make you tough, you must be tough to fight your fat. What is the purpose of body fat? How much do we need? Health effe

Why aren't you losing weight? Part 2
Some coaches may recommend things that work in the short term, but do not set you up for lifetime success. I cannot in good conscious do th

Why aren’t you losing weight? Part 1
Everyone wants to “Lose weight now!”, but sometimes you don’t. Why not? Let's examine a few questions you may want to ask yourself.

Nutrisystem: My Thoughts
Nutrisystem's emphasize on their prepackaged food leaves you and your wallet lighter, but is it sustainable?

Jenny Craig: My Thoughts
Jenny Craig wants to help people lose weight and have a healthy relationship with food. Do they?