Steel City Parkour! Part 1
Discussing the history and future of Steel City Parkour with it's owner, Steve DiGirolamo. What do they offer? Why should you come tr

On A Budget #2, Supplements
You’ve just started your journey to a new you. Of course, the first thing you must do, is find the PERFECT supplements, right?

Foods I Enjoy!
Due to some recent discussion, I felt it would be helpful to identify some foods I enjoy and/or recommend separated into their primary macro

He SAID what? Part 1: Connecting Actions with Appearance
OK, probably my dumbest title ever. Forgive me. Today’s blog post is about the SAID principle; or Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands.

Dear Diary, Keeping a Workout Journal
You enter the gym and are about to start your workout, what do you do? Do you start with some squats or presses? Do you go heavy or light? W

To Rest or Not To Rest
Looks like the lion made his choice. What is your choice? If you’ve been training hard and eating right can you and should you spend some ti

Is this Your Food Prep?
Its 6:00pm, you just arrived home from work. You are hungry and your children are starving. There are no leftovers in the fridge. What do y