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Back to School!

Time to head back to school

It's almost time for kids of all ages to head back to school. Time to load up backpacks with notebooks, pens, pencils, highlighters and calculators. Time to wake up earlier and get into the frame of mind to learn new facts and ideas.

What if you are past schooling age? Well, I say, it's never too late to stop learning. It’s important to always be challenging the body and the mind.

For example, do you know all the benefits associated with weight lifting? Read about it here.

What about some of the common mistakes new trainees make? Read about it here.

How does stress impact your training and health?

Or what about the costs associated with poor health? Read about it here.

Poor health will cost you...

How to deal with some of the most common excuses given to eat poorly and avoid working out? Read about it here.

Need some help navigating your fat loss goals?

Do Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem work? Read about it here.

Looking for recipes to get you on track?

Do you know what Online Coaching can offer to help? Read about it here.

If you are in the mood to learn, I feel you've come to the right place.

And in the spirit of learning and instruction, in September I will begin blogging about proper form on many valuable exercises.

I hope you stay tuned!

Stay tuned!


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