How to perform a DB Tricep Extension
How to perform a DB Tricep Extension

How To Dumbbell Curl
How To Dumbbell Curl

Arch Vs. Round?
Arch & Round sound the same and in most of the world they are. In the gym, they mean two completely different things. Learn what to st

Principles of Program Design
Principles will serve as the foundation for building your workout program. And will help you to eventually design your own.

Kill The Quit
Change the world, don't quit!

Starting a new diet and exercise plan may make you feel some anxiety. May I encourage you to take the first step?

Website Review #1: T Nation
T Nation: great overall content on muscle/strength building, nutrition, fat loss/cardio and more. Fantastic contributing authors and a user

Common Fitness Mistakes #2: Women Scared to “Bulk Up”!
Almost every women who touches a weight in a gym is scared she will end up getting HUGE! Will she? No. Why Not? Several reasons.

Common Fitness Mistakes: #1 Fat Loss vs. Weight Loss
Prioritizing weight loss over fat loss often leads to undesirable results such as muscle loss, slower metabolism and rebounds in body fat af

Why do we exercise?
What if you were doing something as part of your exercise that was actually making you worse off? Maybe you need to reevaluate.