Got Shoulder Issues? Stretching
Coming back from injury or pain involves alleviating tight muscles that aggravate it. Keep your fat loss and muscle gains coming by getting
Got Shoulder Issues? More Assessment
Dealing with limited shoulder mobility & pain? Here's an assessment/exercise to help you regain range of motion & get back to yo
Got Shoulder Issues? Assessment
Dealing with limited shoulder mobility & pain? Here's an assessment/exercise to help you regain range of motion & get back to yo
The Deadlift
Written and Video instruction for the deadlift.
The Bench Press
Video and Written instruction for the Bench Press
The Squat
Video and Written Instruction for the Squat.
Research Review #1
Fat loss, anxiety, diabetes; lots of information covered.
The Overhead Press
Video and Written Instruction for the Overhead Press.
Back to School!
It's time for kids of all ages to head back to school. Time to load up backpacks with notebooks and pencils. Maybe it's time for yo
Why Lift Weights?
A better question may be why not? It is THE anti-aging exercise. After 30 years old, your body begins to lose muscle and bone mass. Guess w