Dear Diary, Keeping a Workout Journal
You enter the gym and are about to start your workout, what do you do? Do you start with some squats or presses? Do you go heavy or light? W

Versus Series #2: Optimal Vs. Striving Toward Optimal
Will your training ever be optimal? Likely not. Why? Because life gets in the way. How do you deal with that?

Program Design #6: Opposing Supersets
Ever wonder where the time went? Does that happen to you in the gym? Do you feel like you are in the gym far too long and also not getting r

Nutrisystem: My Thoughts
Nutrisystem's emphasize on their prepackaged food leaves you and your wallet lighter, but is it sustainable?

He is Risen!
The tomb is empty! Praise the Lord, He is Risen!

Jenny Craig: My Thoughts
Jenny Craig wants to help people lose weight and have a healthy relationship with food. Do they?

Weight Watchers: My Thoughts Part 2
It doesn’t matter if you believe in sensible eating and exercise. If your understanding of nutrition and exercise are lacking, you are buil

Weight Watchers: My Thoughts Part 1
Weight Watchers encourages sensible eating, exercise and meetings for accountability. So far so good right? Unfortunately it doesn't g

Program Design #5: Compound Before Isolation
This design principle relates fairly closed with #3: Heavy before Light. Compound movements are best done earlier in the workout when you a

Don’t Make This Sacrifice!
In your training, it is important to be employing some type of progressive overload. But do not sacrifice Range of Motion just to add weigh