Excuse Me? #2: I can’t workout, Part 2
Don’t let excuses mess with your good life! Let’s continue to address the excuses people give to avoid working out. This is a continuation o

Overcoming Adversity 2017 Part 2
I ended the last blog by saying that I am optimistic about my future. Why? My purpose comes from faith in God. My purpose does not change if

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! Thinking about a resolution? I'd love to help.

Excuse Me? #1: I can’t workout, Part 1
Do not get in the habit of making excuses to avoid working out. If you do, failure is likely. Let's pick apart some of the most common e

Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem
Very soon I will start sharing my thoughts on some of the most popular weight loss systems on the market. Do they work? Pros and Cons? Sta

Information Overload!
Almost New Years, times for resolutions. You Google “losing weight". And you are immediately overloaded with information. What do yo

Overcoming Adversity 2017 Part 1
2017 was not a great year for me physically. I realize there are many people who went through far worse. However, I wanted to share my exper

Program Design #1: Performance
Going deeper into program design principles. Performance: The smallest unit of your weight training is a repetition. Make it count.

Is this Your Food Prep?
Its 6:00pm, you just arrived home from work. You are hungry and your children are starving. There are no leftovers in the fridge. What do y

Fitness and Finances #4: The Cost of Doing Nothing
Having too many sedentary period of your day will cost you. And a warning! Working out does not cancel out the bad effects of sitting too mu