Meal Plans: A Plan for Success or Not?
Are meal plans the ticket to your success? I think not. There's a better way to achieve fat loss and muscle gain without going crazy.

Stress and Exercise: Part 1
Do you feel too stressed to workout? Before diving into the article, let me simply say, skipping a workout due to stress is the wrong decisi

Steel City Parkour! Part 2
Discussing Steel City Parkour with one of it's coaches, Christian Winchell. What do they offer? Why should you come train here? Find

Why aren't you losing weight? Part 2
Some coaches may recommend things that work in the short term, but do not set you up for lifetime success. I cannot in good conscious do th

Steel City Parkour! Part 1
Discussing the history and future of Steel City Parkour with it's owner, Steve DiGirolamo. What do they offer? Why should you come tr

Baked Chicken, Oven Roasted Potatoes and Steamed Vegetables
This recipe takes a bit over an hour, but once each step is in the oven you have some nice gaps where you can relax in between.

Why aren’t you losing weight? Part 1
Everyone wants to “Lose weight now!”, but sometimes you don’t. Why not? Let's examine a few questions you may want to ask yourself.

Chicken "Insert" Stir-Fry
I love stir fry. It's quick and versatile. A few basic ingredients give you quality protein and healthy fats, then a few additions for

On A Budget #2, Supplements
You’ve just started your journey to a new you. Of course, the first thing you must do, is find the PERFECT supplements, right?

Foods I Enjoy!
Due to some recent discussion, I felt it would be helpful to identify some foods I enjoy and/or recommend separated into their primary macro