Fitness and Finances #3: The Cost of Investing in Your Health
You've read Fitness and Finances Part One and realized how much poor health costs you. Then you read Part Two which talked about how...

Fitness and Finances #2: The Cost of Eating Out
Before we talk about eating out, let me ask you; can you afford an online coach? Your life may depend on it. Dramatic? I'm not so sure....

Common Fitness Mistake #6: Crunching Your Way to a Six Pack
Almost everyone who works out has a desire to get six pack abs. They may not always admit it, but aside from a generic goal of getting...

A Collection of Thoughts: Achieving My Goals
When I wrote a previous article, I had asked clients for any feedback or future blog post requests. One client asked me what changes I...

Fitness and Finances #1: The Cost of Poor Health
The cost of poor health is not just financial. Sure the money spent on doctor's visits and prescriptions adds up. But what about missed...

Common Fitness Mistake #5: No Progression
As a trainer, a big mistake I see is client’s doing what appears to be a well thought out training program on the outside. The exercise...

I love being a turtle!
Anyone remember the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? (also, anyone notice their acronym matches mine?) One phrase from the movies recently...

Let me be clear...define your goals.
Do you have a goal in mind with your training? If not, that could be why you aren't achieving the success you desire. Many clients come...

Stretching - Thoughts and Demonstrations
Please enjoy my demonstrations and thoughts on stretching. Regarding my comments about being warm, here are a few references:...

Common Fitness Mistakes #4. Cardio vs. Weight Training to Lose Fat
When it comes time to lose weight, what do most people think of? If you said “cardio” and you pictured in your head a row of people...