The Cure for Paralysis of Analysis? - Wisdom
Knowledge can indeed be paralyzing. In fact I wrote about the concept of overload of information previously on this blog. Go ahead and...

Is Ignorance Bliss?
Is ignorance bliss? Not so much. What you don't know can hurt you. Not knowing about macronutrients and eating improper amounts of each...

Changing your dietary mindset...
"I can eat salmon for breakfast!" That was a real comment made to me during a recent training session. It put a smile on my face. Why? ...

Got 30 minutes?
30 minutes. It's not much right? Think of how many 30 minute blocks of time during the day that pass us by without accomplishing...

Why share articles from other fitness sites?
Why do I share links to other fitness sites on my social media? Aren't other fitness sites the enemy? No, not really. It would be...

Happy Thanksgiving!
What are you thankful for? Seriously, take a minute and think. You are reading this article on a computer, tablet or phone. That means...

Overhead Walking Lunge
Watch a fitness video and you are sure to find combination exercises that pair two movements together to improve your workout efficiency....

Michael Achieved Personal Bests!
"I always Hated weight training! I was always an endurance athlete. Distances were my thing. Run, swim or bike…it was always easy and I...

Shawn - Successfully lost 50 pounds!
My name is Shawn, about 2 years ago I was around 215 pounds, I could barely walk up the steps without being out of breath and I had...

Fat Shaming, what are your thoughts?
Be sure to read the whole way through, there may be points that raise ones hackles, but I think we can find some common ground. Fat...