The Band Pull-apart
Written and Video Instruction for the Band Pull-apart.

The Bent Over Row
Written and Video Instruction for The Bent Over Barbell Row

The Ab Slide: Variations
Written and Video Instruction for the Ab Slide and variations.

Thanksgiving Deception
Thanksgiving is over. You have successfully awakened from your food coma. Are you deceiving yourself about the cause of your food coma?

Happy Thanksgiving!
What are you thankful for? Think. If you are reading this, you probably have access to electricity, indoor plumbing, clean water, just to na

The Chinup
Written and Video Instruction for The Chinup

Got Shoulder Issues? Exercises, Part 2
Recovering from shoulder pain involves training muscles that aid scapular stability & thoracic mobility so you can get back to fat loss

Got Shoulder Issues? Exercises, Part 1
Recovering from shoulder pain involves training muscles that aid scapular stability & thoracic mobility so you can get back to fat loss

Got Shoulder Issues? Stretching
Coming back from injury or pain involves alleviating tight muscles that aggravate it. Keep your fat loss and muscle gains coming by getting

Got Shoulder Issues? More Assessment
Dealing with limited shoulder mobility & pain? Here's an assessment/exercise to help you regain range of motion & get back to yo